Acupuncture has been around since 5000 years in the Chinese culture and nowadays it is part of a common form of medicine practice. In recent years, acupuncture has become widely accepted as a holistic approach in a weight loss program. Although not considered a single means for weight loss program, it is effective in combination with other weight loss program which do not used drugs and pills as part of the weight loss program. Studies shows that weight loss through acupuncture improved the digestive health and relieved stress which often lead to uncontrollable eating habit.
Acupuncture is particularly effective in controlling the irresistible eaters. Acupuncture works to release endorphins and improve metabolism through the placement of needles at a certain point on the body. In the process, the dieter will tend to gain some control to their emotional stress experience. Thus, with this enhancement in mental health, acupuncture decreases the tendency to overeat and avoid the feeling of over starvation so often associated with the failure of most weight loss program.
A professional acupuncturist will normally ask for a complete health history before administering the weight loss process. By studying the medical background, coupled with a physical examination of the tongue, the acupuncturist can decide the appropriate areas for needle placement. Some acupuncturists may include a risk less electrical stimulation pass through the needles to further elevate the release of endorphins. The number of acupuncture treatments required to achieve the favorable weight loss effect is recommended by the acupuncturists based on the individuals well-being discovered following the first few treatment.
Normally an acupuncturist may also recommend a variety of Chinese herbs and supplements consumed in the form of a tea in order to assist in the weight loss program. Such herbs and supplements may improve digestive processes, promote relaxation and improve cognitive awareness. The acupuncturist will generally design the supplements program according to the particular need of each dieter. By improving digestive processes and promoting endorphin release, dieters who used the treatment may feel a better sense of inner self and consequently will enhance the result of their weight loss program.
Source :
- Introduction
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- Criteria of a Good Weight Loss Program
- 5 Reasons Why Most People Can’t Lose Weight.
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